Tuesday 31 May 2011

5 Things You Should Never Share On Facebook

Your Phone Number
Do you have any ex-girlfriends or boyfriends that you don’t want getting in touch with you? A great way to help them reconnect is by publishing your new phone number. The best way to let people know about your new phone number is to text them!
Pictures Of Feets 
Oh, did you really just get a pedicure? That’s great news but does everybody really need to see your feet? Unless you are a foot model (congrats if you are!), you really should refrain from posting pictures of your feet.
Uninteresting Babies Photos
So we all know that you are having a baby and it’s great news. However, if you document your entire child’s life on Facebook you’ve gone overboard. There’s a reason they call them home videos: Leave them at home for your private collection. We all love entertaining baby videos like this one, but do we really need to see every update? Everybody loves a cute baby, but documenting every moment like the applesauce they just ate, really is unnecessary.
Some Thing For Sale
There’s a reason Craigslist exists: to sell things. While you may have a used bike to sell, the odds that one of your friends wants to buy it right now is much less than someone buying it on Craigslist or another site. Seriously, if you have something to sell, go somewhere that the buyers are actually shopping!
Poorly Taken Photos
Your pet may be cute, and honestly, that’s something I enjoy seeing, but if you mess up the shot, it hurts your image. The plane you are taking off in may be exciting, but seeing the flash in the window reflection is painful for the trained eye! Frame the shot, make sure the flash is properly set, and shoot. If the photo doesn’t turn out well, take the photo again and share that to Facebook instead!